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IBIT Digital Leader Fireside Chat – Ron Kim

  1. The event that I went to was a digital leader fireside chat, which featured Ron Kim as the guest speaker for such webinar.
  2. I attended such webinar on February 24th of this semester
  3. Such fireside chat was sponsored by that of IBIT
  4. The fireside chat that I attended was one that was held virtually on February 24 from 12 – 1pm where the CTO of Merck; Ron Kim, came and spoke to us about some of the many facets of having a career in consulting. Such meeting was sponsored by IBIT, so such webinar was held over Zoom.
  5. Within such webinar, Ron came and talked to us about some of the many advantages to working in the field of consulting and how it is \\\\\\\”a great place for people who don\\\\\\\’t really know what field they\\\\\\\’d like to specialize in\\\\\\\”, likely due to consulting being one that caters to many industries. In addition to Ron talking to us about some of the things that he is responsible for; within his current role, he also discussed with us some of the ways that COVID has been impacting many businesses in the pharmaceutical industry. Ron also emphasized the importance of not being afraid to research/explore differing industries as it allows for people to build a bit of professional diversity and experience.
  6. Such activity relates to my career goals as I am one who has been considering looking into the field of consulting, but have been a bit timid on where to even begin as consulting is an extremely diverse/large field to get into. Being that Ron is one who has seen and was involved in such field, it was truly aspiring to hear someone who has experience in such field discuss their experiences from working in such. Being that Ron essentially taught me that there are many areas of consulting to look into – all with differing positions/fields – I feel like at least now I have a direction to follow when I start my internship search for this summer.
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