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Tricks for Launching

Sponsoring Organization: Blackstone LaunchPad

This event was held in the Blackstone LaunchPad in the Student Activity Center on April 26, from 4-5pm.

I learned a lot from this event and it was more of good to know things. What I mean by that is that, now that I have taken MIS 3501, the coding class, I now have the skill set to create a fully functional website. However, this event provided the resources on creating a website for a reasonable price, in addition to available resources to help fund, train, and assist young entrepreneurs to create websites. I have used website creators like Wix before, but to be honest the stuff I was doing didn\’t make much sense. Now that I have a great understanding of HTML, CSS, PHP, etc. I can create a website using something like Wix, and actually understand what I am doing.

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