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Coursework & Projects

Fall 2019:

  1. User Experience Design  (MIS 3580)
    • During this semester we will be learning more about the world of user experience and how it couples with the worlds advancing technological landscape. “We will focus on understanding, evaluating and designing effective user experiences.In the context of practical projects, we will learn the human, social, organizational, business model, and technical aspects of UX design.” -Munir Mandviwalla
    • I am sure that this class will better prepare me for my future career aspirations that combine the methods of analytics and the creativity of web design. I always say how imperative knowing psychology in the business setting is, and it’s because how relevant it is in the scope of every single business major at Fox. If you don’t understand your customers, clients and or competitors, how can you become prosperous in such a saturated and intelligent market?  I love how MIS, digital marketing, web and graphic design and psychology all collectively make up modern day business. I hope to one day work for a broad range of clients where I ca implement my passion for design and love for analytics.
  2. Application Integration and Evaluation  (MIS 3502)
    • The objective of this course is to develop data driven software applications, work with client/server and mobile architectures  and implement API’s using server-side programming.
    • I hope to learn a great deal from this class, espically more about how the cloud, client-side and server-side interact with one another. We all use the Internet and it’s vast applications, but it really is a rarity to have the opportunity to learn more about what happens when you type in a URL, or by industry standard a URI. It is also great to be reintroduced DNS servers and how to operate them through AWS. I am really excited to be more well versed in this type of field, as it will pertain to pretty much any industry.
    • AWS, Javascript, Node.Js
  3. Introduction to Web-Design (GAD 2073)
    • In this class we will dive into the fundamentals of interactive design with a focus on the use of interactive software, layout, typography, hierarchy and organization.
    • I am very excited to work more with HTML and CSS, as this is the part of coding I am extremely passionate about. We will be working on 3 main projects that will give us experience in creating a functioning website that will incorporate a variety of different HTML and CSS elements. I think this will greatly benefit me in my future career because I will have the working knowledge of how to create a functioning website. This knowledge coupled with my User Experience Design and Application Integration courses will give me a well-rounded understanding of the world of website’s, applications and design.
    • Photoshop, HTML, CSS


Spring 2019:

  1. Digital Solutions Studio (MIS 3506)
    • During this semester, our class worked as Business Analysts with a Digital Marketing company called Vitris. Throughout the course, we learned stakeholder analysis, business rule analysis, data modeling and process modeling. We were also  introduced to the website prototyping software called Justinmind, and we grew increasingly familiar with the software as it was the driving force for our final solution. As a result, we all learned how to work professionally with each other, in addition to working with real life clients.
    • This class was, perhaps, the most important class I have or will ever take in my college career, as it taught me the foundation of what it takes to be a Business Analyst. It provided the necessary experience of working with a real company and how to handle problems like a professional versus as an average college student. We were able to actually win this class project and were selected by Vitris because our solution best fit their needs and wants.
    • Justinmind
  2. Enterprise IT Architecture (MIS 3406)
    • The objective of this course was to learn the surface level information about the modern enterprise architecture which goes hand and hand with the makeup of businesses. We primarily learned about how important technology like computer hardware, software, systems and networking, is to a business environment. By working with Microsoft Azure, we created Virtual Machines and Domain Controllers in order to see  such technologies in action and how they pertain/ help businesses operate.We also worked on learning about programming with Node.js which taught us a great deal about how we can manipulate computers to do things for us and how they actually end up giving us the things we want.
    • I learned quite a bit from this class, including how real businesses take advantage of Microsoft Azure to create virtual machines, or  basically other ‘computers’ within your own computer. I saw this first hand when my mom was working on her Mac computer and she had a Windows virtual machine open so she was able to work from home.
    • Microsoft Azure, Node.js
  3. Data Science (MIS 0855)
    • In this class we learned about Data: what it is, how we get it,  how we use it, how we organize it, and most importantly how we make it make sense. We looked at exactly how it can be extracted, transformed and loaded, all by working with Tableau on each assignment. This course taught me a great deal about how to ‘harness the power of data by mastering the way it is stored, organized, and analyzed to enable better decisions. It was a great class to get to know the in’s and out’s of Data and the importance of why we should understand it. After taking this class, I will be able to apply my Tableau skills to my course work and then to my professional career.
    • Tableau

Spring 2018:

  1. Data Analytics (MIS 2502)
    • Foundation for database systems and data analysis in order to better a firms competitiveness.
    • Analyze, create and understand the designs of databases through structured query language (SQL), R and R studio.
  2. Data Centric Applications Development (MIS 3501)
    • Use high level programming language to find errors and improve overall code.
    • HTML 5, PHP, SQL, PDO, MVC
  3. Statistic Business Analytics (STAT 2103)
    • Data description, data analytics, graphical methods that help solve issues within business environments.
    • Random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, estimation of parameters, and hypothesis testing.
  4. Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance (RMI 2101)
    • Key concepts that determine, help mitigate and correct business and individuals against dynamic and static risks.
    • Insurance, risk retention methods, self-insurance and loss control.
  5. Managerial Accounting (ACCT 2102)
    • A managers point of view and role in making important business decisions using accounting methods.
    • Cost classifications, behavior, allocation, cost-volume-profit-analysis
  6. Professional Development Strategies (BA 2101)
    • Resume development and critique
    • Interview skills and business etiquette

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