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2018 Cyber Security Symposium

On March 6th 2018, I attended the Cyber Security Symposium in Manheim, PA. The symposium opened with a speech by Jason McNew, CEO of Stronghold Cyber Security, about how individuals are threatened and made into a target by technology. A Panel discussion on cyber attack prevention followed. The panel included Deval Shah, a cyber security professional who teaches in Temple\’s graduate cyber security program. After a brief period of networking, there was another panel on how to handle cyber security attacks post-breach. The symposium concluded with a Keynote speech by Erik Avakian, Chief Information Security Officer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on current threats on the horizon.

I learned a great deal about how to best keep my own technology safe from cyber attacks, as well as best practices in business to prevent and respond to data breaches. I connected with two Temple graduate professors, as well as a current student enrolled in a Master\’s program at Temple. These connections benefitted me while I competed in the AIS National Competition, as I was able to gain insight on risks of current technology in the Healthcare industry.

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