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Getting your hands dirty with HTML/CSS – Workshop

  1. Title of the activity: Getting your hands dirty with HTML/CSS – Workshop
  2. Term of the activity: Fall 2020
  3. Name of sponsoring organization: ByteSize
  4. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when) :
    • Reinforce learnings from the recent live session where we created a Twitter clone.
    • Mentors who are all software engineers in their day job were available to discuss routes to gaining a career in Tech. 
  5. What you learned: I learned how to use HTML and CSS to build a clone of Twitter and also got a better idea of what a career as an engineer entails .
  6. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals: This activity related to the course 2402 that I am currently enrolled in. This webinar helped me further understand HTML and CSS which are two topics we also cover in my class. 
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