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What is UX/UI Design?

  1. Title of the activity: Thinkful Webinar | What is UX/UI Design?
  2. Term of the activity: Fall 2020
  3. Name of sponsoring organization: Thinkful Webinars
  4. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when): December 2, 2020, at 08:00 PM 
  5. What you learned: we covered the rise of the UX/UI design industry, what a designer actually does, and all of the different types of roles that exist in the UX/UI field. We walked through how to get the skills to become a top-notch designer and highlight the path to getting those various jobs that will be open to us once we mastered this skill set.
  6. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals: In the fall term of 2020, I was enrolled in MIS 3506 which covered UX design. This webinar gave me a greater understanding of what a career in UX after completing my degree would look like and what major skills are needed.
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