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JavaScript for Beginners


  1. Title of the activity: JavaScript for Beginners
  2. Term of the activity: Fall 2020
  3. Name of sponsoring organization: 4Geeks Academy Miami
  4. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when):
    • In this webinar, we were given a basic understanding of JavaScript which is one of the most popular programming languages of today.

      Topics covered  during the session:

    • Values & Data types
      Variable declarations, operators, and expressions
      Objects & Arrays
      Nested data + For loops
      Functions (with a focus on return statements & evaluation)
  5. What you learned: From this session, I was able to get a better understanding of topics that my 2402 professor has covered in the past few weeks. This was a good review for the upcoming final in my coding class.
  6. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals: This webinar covered topics that I am also currently learning in my MIS 2402 class.
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