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MuleSoft: Easing The Pains of SAP S/4HANA Transformations

The sponsors were MuleSoft and Salesforce. My role was to listen and learn. The webinar was to inform thinking about and around SAP S/4HANA in regard to transformation and data integration. Overall, using SAP leads to lean code with the use of data integration and causes less work which makes it easier for businesses and saves them money. By simplifying your business architecture with APIs (in this case MuleSoft’s approach) reduces complexity and drives innovation. S/4HANA removes the monolithic ERP style and allows for migration and modernization. MuleSoft can connect any system to another regardless of if it is an SAP. An example of a company Sika’s transformation was given. Before implementing Mulesoft the company had a very complex case of point-point integrated ERPs which were very complex and customized tools that weren’t reusable leaving more work and less innovation for the company. They shifted it to an API-first approach and a strong commitment to a dual integration platform approach. They were able to reuse 51% of APIs with MuleSoft. With the integrations, they were able to cut development time from 6-9 months to 6-8 weeks instead. With this webinar, I was able to organize my knowledge from the Digital Systems class and relate it to real-life scenarios. It helps me understand the real-life implications of things I am learning in class.

It relates to my coursework because as an MIS major learning more about different APIs and ERPs like MuleSoft and real examples of companies benefitting from the integrations improves my knowledge and understanding of what is needed in businesses and organizations today. It keeps me up to date on what is being done today and gives me a head start on what I need to focus on when pertaining to business needs.

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