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Community College of Philadelphia: Completed Courses
-Financial Accounting
-Intro to Vis Lang, Draw
-Macroeconomic Principles
-Microeconomic Principles
-Analytical Reading & Writing
-Intro to Physical Environment
-Leadership & Organ Management
-Law in Society
-Public Speaking

Temple University: Completed Courses
-Mosaic: Humanities Sem I
-Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II
-Legal Environment of Business
-Marketing Management
-How Things Work: Phys of Life
-Pre-Calculus for Business
-Calculus for Business
-Professional Development Strategies
-The History & Significance of Race in America
-The Making of American Society: Melting Pot or Culture Wars?
-Managerial Accounting
-Business Communications
-Information Systems in Organizations
-Introduction to Risk Management
-Business Society and Ethics
-Enterprise IT Architecture
-Data Analytics
-Business Statistics

-Internet Enabled Supply Chains
-Integrative Business Applications
-Lead Global Digital Projects
-World Society in Literature & Film

During the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semester, I took MIS3535 and MIS4596. In MIS3535, students had to learn how to manage a team of business analyst students and help them complete a project for a real company. MIS taught me how to manage not only my time but the time of others to ensure that certain task were completed on time. In MIS4596, students had to take everything we learn from pervious MIS class and put it together to complete a semester long project. With this class, I had to use the skills that I learned in MIS3504, 3501 and 3535, being creative and creating a project plan to create a service in the form of an app.

My career interest is to work as a business analyst. As a business analyst I would be able to work with the business side as well as the technical side. Being able to work with both sides is one of the main reason why business analyst is my career of choice. The MIS classes that I have taken has prepare me well for this role, MIS3504 and 3501 gave me experience in the technical side with learning how to code using PHP and HTML while 3504 allow me to learn how to use JustinMind software to create prototypes of applications and familiarize me with the technical terms and thought process of a programmer. With classes such as 3535 and 4596, I learn how to put together a project plan and convey technical details into business terms and process.


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