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MIS4596 Project – Odd Job Auctions

My team and I came up with the idea for an app call Odd Job Auctions.

This platform will allow a consumer to post a listing describing the job that needs to be completed, then tradesmen and craftsman will be able to login and submit bids. This allows the consumer to choose which tradesmen they want to use base on price, reviews, and experience.

This group project from MIS4596 gave me insight into what it takes to come up with an idea for a start up.  I had to learn to look at everything that goes into turning an idea into a creditable business idea. From looking at the potential risk which include legal and financial risk, to the business model which include sustainable revenue streams. It also help with my research skills, as our idea was not unique so I had to look at all the similar apps and find a way to differentiate ourselves.  From a skills stand point, this project help improve my time management and organization skills. Considering that this is a semester long project, each group member had to manage their time well so that the group can meet consistently each week which was very important especially for our group, as we had to change our project almost mid way through.

To find out more about this project, Click Here

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