Association for Information Systems
President, Summer 2014 – Present
- Create member and department value for the student organization of the 14th ranked MIS program in the world consisting of over 200 members.
- Lead a team of 13 student officers to develop programs and events to enhance the professional and social development of members.
VP of the Technical Development Application Program, Summer 2013 – Spring 2014
- Coordinate with alumni to develop 14 technical workshops covering, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and WordPress to develop technical skills in members.
VP of Mentorship, Summer 2013 – Spring 2014
- Create and manage a mentorship program for the organization that connects organization officers with members to assist members in their professional development.
Association for Information Systems International Competition 2014 -Social Innovation, 1st Place
- Awarded first place for developing a web application aimed to solve the problem of underfunded schools in the Philadelphia School District.