Select an emerging technology and identify risks and controls associated with it (e.g. big data, bitcoin, cloud computing, mobile payment/banking, Near Field Communication, Block Chain, etc.)
- Presentation
- Explain the technology your team selected (history, trending , current and future application)
- Analyze the risk associated with this technology, preferred to use samples
- Key controls that can mitigate risks identified
- Each team will give 15 min. to present
- Power Point Slides are preferred
2. Term paper (based on the presentation)
- Structure:
o Background (technology overview and applications)
o Keys risks associated with the technology (focus on the C.I.A Triangle, 3 – 5 risks)
o Controls that can mitigate the risks identified above
o Explain the Residual risks (if any)
- Formatting:
o 8 – 10 pages, double space, Calibri Font size 12
- Due Date: 12/14/2016