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If I had to recommend one habit or hobby to anyone, it would be journaling without a question. I started journaling towards the end of my junior year and looking back, deciding to journal was the most important decision I made in my teenage years. Journaling has allowed me to not only build a greater self-awareness but to also become twice as productive as I was before. Through daily, weekly, and yearly reflections, I’ve learned a great deal about myself and the ways in which I am most effective as a person. Although I’ve tweaked and experimented with many journaling methods over the years, I’ve had the most success with bullet journaling.


When I was younger, my parents (thankfully) were very strict about how often I could use my phone or computer. Due to this, every night before I went to bed, I would read. I started out reading fiction and fantasy books in middle school and early high school, then slowly transitioned into reading more personal development and faith-related books. Although I stopped reading entirely once I started my freshman year of college, I began to read again over the summer and am once again, hooked. If I had to recommend one book to anyone at the moment, it would be The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. Even if you consider yourself a tidy person, this book will rock your world. Give it a read!


I started pursuing photography towards the start of my freshman year of college. I came to realize my passion for photography through my interest in capturing moments and expressing myself through a creative medium. Learning how to use Lightroom and Photoshop added another dimension to photos, and I’ve been able to create some awesome pictures using both programs! Although I still have a long way to go, I can confidently say I have greatly improved and learned a lot from the start of 2018 to now. Below are some of my favorite photographs I’ve taken and edited so far.







You heard me right. I’m passionate about food! Let me explain. I began to appreciate food during my freshman year of college because of the countless experiences I had trying different restaurants in and around the city. At one point, I even started a food blog, which I ended up having a lot of success with, where I would post pictures of dishes and review them. Even though I’ve decided to take a break from being an Instagram “Foodie“, my quest for good eats goes on. If you have any recommendations for places that aren’t very well-known, feel free to shoot me an email!

Honorable Mention: Powerlifting

Although powerlifting is not something I’m actively doing at the moment, I felt that it deserved an honorable mention. I started weightlifting in my freshman year of high school but only started seriously lifting weights in my senior year of high school. Even though I didn’t take part in any powerlifting competitions, I spent four days a week at the gym focusing solely on increasing my squat, my deadlift, and my bench. Before I stopped lifting, I weighed in at 147 lbs and had a one rep max of 245 for the Bench Press, 405 for the Deadlift, and 305 for the Squat. In the future, I may return to powerlifting, but as now I’ve decided to try experimenting with other forms of exercise.

Icons made by Camera from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Icons made by Notebook from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Icons made by Books stack of three from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Icons made by Weightlifting from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Icons made by Breakfast from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
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