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MIS Student Worker

Information about the organization (e.g., type, size, location, specific division/department in which you are employed): I worked for the MIS Department at Temple University as a student worker this summer.

Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks): My overall role was to assist the Senior Associate Director of the Management Information Systems (MIS) department with data collection and analysis for job status reports. I was also in charge of social media engagement for the @tufoxmis Instagram account. Apart from these roles, I also completed ad hoc tasks like managing graduate program prospects, visualizing data for a PRO Points review, and recording technical faults and improvements for the Fox MIS site.

Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished):

  1. Job Status Report → I assisted the Senior Associate Director of MIS department with data collection and analysis for job status reports via Excel. I recorded data from various excel spreadsheets, cleaned the data on a weekly basis, and maintained communications with those without jobs in an effort to secure them positions.
  2. Temple Fox MIS Site Improvements → I went through the MIS site and recorded problems and potential improvements or suggestions on a comprehensive, eight-page report.
  3. Social Media Engagement Plan I created a social media engagement plan for the new @tufoxmis Instagram account and put it into action. I then curated a document for post templates, maintained a content calendar, and input weekly data into a spreadsheet as well. I also created a @tufoxdim Instagram account to prepare for future activity and announcements.  
  4. ITACS & DIM Prospect Management → I managed prospect management for two separate master’s programs via Excel. This included data input, cleaning, and cross-checking.

What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this internship in the context of specific courses).

  1. Data Analysis I learned how to analyze data. I was tasked with maintaining a Job Status Report Spreadsheet as well as two Master’s programs spreadsheets. By continuously updating this data, I learned how to input data and analyze it to determine the levels of success. This relates to my major because data analytics is one of the many fields that you can go into with an MIS major and is a major course as well for MIS students.
  2. Data Visualization I learned how to visualize data. I was tasked with creating a PRO Points Report by analyzing data and visualizing it through different types of charts and graphs. Data visualization is another key concept that MIS majors need to be familiarized with. It goes hand in hand with data analytics.
  3. Salesforce → I learned how Salesforce worked and how to use it to analyze data. I was tasked with prospect management for two separate graduate programs and one of the data sources was Salesforce. This relates to my major because Salesforce was an application that I worked with in MIS 2101.
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