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  1. Learn and implement technologies into for faculty members of Temple University to increase classroom engagement, productivity, and efficiency of logistics e.g. Attendance, group work, office hours, Canvas, Zoom, Polleverywhere, Socrative
  2. I helped several professors transition to Zoom prior and during this Spring semester facing COVID-19. Prior to this, I helped them in person by visiting their classrooms to gauge the overall classroom environment and test tools that I thought could improve it. I implemented an attendance system using Canvas and online quizzes (the professors granted me access to their Canvas course as a designer) so that classes with 100+ students didn\’t need to pass around sheets of paper.
  3. MIS overall is about the implementation of technology to improve business processes. In my interview, I talked about how I wanted to take these concepts and apply them to the classroom. I believe I approached this the same way I would in my future career. I utilized several skills that I think especially relate to the UX design class. I tested my implementations; I received user feedback and adjusted accordingly; I wanted to provide the best experience not only for the students, but for the professors as well.
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