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IBIT Mentoring Program

Larry Dignan was my mentor for the Spring semester. He’s been a great mentor especially through this time that we’re living in. His advice has helped me push through and encouraged me to continue building out my experience in any way that I can. I am now working with IBIT to help local businesses transition online during this pandemic  and Professor Dignan has been a great resource throughout it. His experience in media relates directly to my upcoming internship with NBCUniversal and I look forward to taking his advice and applying it to the real world. Lucky to call him a mentor and I believe we’ll continue this relationship on for years to come!

    • AIS Mentorship ProgramFall 2020
      Fall 2018

    • Fall 2020 adjustmentFall 2020

    • IT Career FairFall 2020
      Fall 2019
      Fall 2018

    • IBIT Mentoring Program

    • Spring 2020 adjustmentSpring 2020

    • IBIT small group meeting with industrySpring 2019

    • AIS Technical Development TrackFall 2018

    • AIS Speaker Series TrackFall 2018

    • IBIT challenge or conferenceFall 2018

    • Active AIS memberSpring 2018

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