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Career Goals

As an actuarial science student I aim to make a career in the risk management and insurance industry as an actuary. I’m excited to be entering such a unique field and am always eager to learn more about all aspects of the industry. I am still very open-minded about which specific niche of insurance in which I would like to pursue my career, but I do have particular interest in health insurance, life insurance, and microinsurance.

I am interested in health insurance and life insurance in general because of its great potential to do social good. Healthcare organizations and insurers play a unique role in managing the most personal sort of risks- those which directly affect a person’s health. I believe health insurance companies have a special opportunity to relieve some of the strain and uncertainty from these risks to a person’s health in order to make all sorts of medical care as accessible and comfortable as possible. Similarly, life insurance provides a source of stability to families who are already suffering a major loss. It gives at lease some peace of mind even in life’s worst case scenarios. I would be honored to play a role in the efforts of health and life insurers to provide such quality care and coverage to their customers.

I also find myself drawn to the microinsurance industry for similar reasons; I see huge opportunities for companies to do true social good through their business. I am excited to see the microinsurance industry emerge in the developing world and am hopeful that its markets will succeed in alleviating some of the financial burdens on poor and low-income communities around the globe. I would love to take part in any company’s efforts to achieve such an honorable goal.

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