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Personal Interests and Hobbies

When I am not studying for classes or actuarial exams, I like to read about space exploration and astronomy. I have always been fascinated by the vast unknowns of the unexplored universe. I am excited to be living during the age when human civilization is taking its first steps in exploring space. I truly admire the innovation and vision of private companies like SpaceX that are striving to make further exploration a possibility.

On a similar note, I also enjoy reading futuristic science-fiction novels, such as Cloud Atlas. In particular, I am a fan of Isaac Asimov, who is best known for his Foundation series. His writing is exemplary in its ability to capture the essence of the human spirit, even in the strange context of the distant future. Interestingly, Asimov’s Foundation novels focus on the idea that the progress of humanity throughout history can be described mathematically and that general trends in society can be statistically predicted. This thought that mathematics can be used to predict future outcomes, though clearly fictional in Asmiov’s writing, is what first sparked my interest in statistics and its predictive applications overall.

225645_2217077356504_7430296_nIn the summer, I love to spend my free time kayaking. I own a tandem sit-on-top kayak which I enjoy paddling up and down the Neshaminy Creek and Delaware River. When I’m lucky enough to have a few days off, I love to take my kayak to the ocean and paddle along the beaches through the waves. I am currently trying to learn to surf more effectively on my kayak. Most of my attempts so far have resulted in me being flung into the ocean. I really need to invest in a kayaking helmet as a form of risk control.

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