MIS 2101.001 – Adam Alalouf – Fall 2015

Learn IT! #4

Choose between option 1 and option 2 and make a submission by October 31st.

Option 1: An Hour of Code

Complete the exercise “An Hour of Code” on codecademy.com using the instructions in the following document: Learn IT! #4 – An Hour of Code This is an engaging and super valuable exercise that will give you hands-on experience with writing the kind of code that make content on the internet possible.

Submission of Deliverable: An Hour of Code

Please email your submissions to upload.Learn_I.5g4ggr7x8b@u.box.com using the same naming convention we’ve been using this semester, which is LastName_FirstName_AssignmentName.PDF

Option 2: Analytics Challenge

This assignment gives students an opportunity to compete in the Fox Data Analytics challenge. All of the instructions about the challenge are available here.

This is a chance to make data beautiful using visualization. You should understand the difference between a static and an interactive visualization. You should also look at Information is Beautiful‘s chart on what makes a good visualization to understand all the components of a complete and effective visualization.

You have until October 31st to submit your entry.

Submission of Deliverable: Analytics Challenge

Please email your submissions to analyticschallenge@temple.edu.

Good luck!

Analytics Challenge Pitch 2015

Extra Credit Option

Complete both assignments for extra credit.

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