INSTRUCTOR: Alvin Zuyin Zheng, SECTION 001


Assignment Policy:  

  • You must finish your assignment individually and independently. If you have any clarification questions about the assignment, consult with your instructor directly;
  • You should not consult with your instructor other than clarification questions;
  • You must submit your assignment via Blackboard in a single Word document;
  • A 50% penalty (subtracted from that assignment’s score) will be applied to the assignment for the first day (i.e. 24 hours) past the due date. No credit will be given for assignments turned in more than 24 hours past the due date.
  • The system will shut down for submission (the assignment is no longer visible to you) 48 hours after the due date and you won’t be able submit your assignment via the Blackboard then.
  • Your assignment will be evaluated based on the “grade sheet”. The evaluation will be translated into percentage based score.  (i.e., the grand total score in your grade sheet is 120, and your score based on grade sheet is 114. You final grade will be 95).  And the full score is 100.
  • Please submit your re-evaluate request within one week after you receive the grade, if you strongly believe your grade is inaccurate. I reserve the right to evaluate your whole assignment. And your score may go up and down.

Assignment #1: ER Modeling [Due on Feb 3, 9:00am]

Assignment #2: Extracting Data with SQL [Due on Feb 18, 23:59 pm]

Assignment #3: Putting in Data with SQL [Due on Feb 27, 9:00am]

Assignment #4: Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) [Due on Mar 12, 9:00am]

Assignment #5: Pivot Tables [Due on Sunday Mar 26, 9:00am]

Assignment #6: Working with R&R-Studio [Due on Sunday Apr 9, 9:00am]

Assignment #7: Decision Trees [Due on Monday Apr 17, 9:00am]

Assignment #8: Clustering [Due on Monday Apr 24, 9:00am]

Opportunity for 3 Extra Credits and 50 Professional Points: [Due on Monday May 1, 9:00am]

If you are interested in receiving 3 extra credits for you final grade and 50 Professional  Achievement Points (if you are a MIS major student), here is a great opportunity.

Do a write-up on a data-related topic and submit it by May 1st, 2017 at 9:00 AM and you’ll receive 3 points extra credit on your final exam and 50 Professional Achivement Points (which only matters to MIS majors) . And here are the detailed instructions on this bonus assignment: MIS2502 Extra Credit and PAP Assignment.

Follow the instructions carefully. If you don’t follow the instructions you will not receive credit.

Assignment #9: Association Rule Minning [Due on Sunday Apr 30, 9:00am]