instructor: Aaron Zhi Cheng, Section 003

Daily Archives: December 5, 2018

Agenda for Week 14 (the week of 12/3)


  • Monday (12/3)                    No Class!
  • Wednesday (12/5)              Review session for Exam #3
  • Friday (12/7)                       Exam #3

Assignment Due

  •   Assignment #8 – Association Rule: Due Tuesday (12/4), at 11:59 pm

Office Hours

  • Tuesday, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm, by ITA Nathaly (Speakman 209b)
  • Thursday afternoon (by appointment), in Speakman 201F, by the instructor.
  • Friday, 2:00 pm – 2:50 pm (before the exam), in Speakman 201F, by the instructor.