Prof Patrick J Wasson, MS


Final Grades Posted

Hi Class,

I have posted the grades for exam 3, participation, and final course grades.

Exam 3 is out of 110 points.  Participation is out of 9 possible points (9 challenges).

For the calculation of your final grades all of the deliverables are calculated based on a percentage basis as described in the syllabus.

If you have any questions about your grades please let me know. I have posted some stats about exam 3 and your final grades:

Exam 3:

Max 100.00%
Min 0.00%
Mean 84.55%
Median 91.36%

Final Grades

Max 100.00%
Min 31.89%
Mean 80.56%
Median 82.32%

It was great working with all of you, and I hope we get to work together again in the future.

Have a great summer!


Week 15 Update

Hi Class,

Good work on Exam 3 last night.  Please be sure to submit your optional project to me by 4/28/17.

I will have all grades posted by 5/11/17, but likely a bit earlier.

Thanks for a great semester and have a great summer!!


Week 13 Update

Hi Class,

To recap: Last night we finished covering MVC, covered form controls and went over Exam 2.

Next week we will cover Sessions and Cookies and prepare for Exam 3 on 4/26/17.

For next week: 1) Read the Murach pages 2) Complete Challenges 7 and 12 3) Take a look at Exercises 12.1 and 12.2 4) Be sure to submit your optional project to me by 4/28/17.

Also, I have posted your Exam 2 grades and your current course grade to date.

Have a great week.


Week 12 Update

Hi Class,

To recap: last night we took Exam 2 and covered MVC afterwards.

Next week we will cover how to work with advanced form data such as radio buttons and checkboxes.  If there is time we will start on sessions.

For next week: 1) Read the assigned Murach pages 2) Complete challenge 5.1 3) Take a look at exercises 7.1 and 7.2 4) Work on the optional project

For the optional project: You can earn up to 50 professional points by completing the project.  If you would like to do the project but are over the 200 point threshold you can opt to have up to 5 extra credit points added to your total points for the class.  Only students over the 200 point threshold can opt for extra credit points.

I will have your exams back to you for class on 4/19/17

Have a great week!



Week 11 Update

Hi Class,

To recap: Last night we reviewed Challenge 4.2, how to upload your work to the class server, and went over a number of topics that will be covered in Exam 2 next week.

For next week: 1) Prepare for Exam 2 2) Be sure to check out the Exam 2 practice assignment and study guide I posted

Exam 2 will be held in class next week 4/5/17 5:30pm

After the exam we will start covering MVC patterns and begin challenge 5.1 in class if there is time.

Have a great week!


Week 10 Update

Hi Class,

To recap we covered PHP function and wrapped up PDO.

For next week 1) Review Exercise PDO 3 and Challenge 4.1 2) Read the assigned Murach pages 3) Complete Challenge 4.2 4) Ensure you can configure debugging on your pc

Next week we will review the Challenge 4.2 solution and review for Exam 2.  Please be sure to bring any questions you have about Exam 2 to class, so we can cover them.  This class will be your time to go over anything that you would like further explanation on in regards to Exam 2.

I have posted a preliminary MIS3501-Exam-2-Study-Guide for your review.

Exam 2 will be on 4/5/17.

Have a great week.


Update to Schedule – Exam 2 Will be on 4/5/17

Hi Class,

I hope everyone had a great Spring Break!

I have made some changes to the schedule to help us balance out the remaining topics for the semester and ensure everyone can do as well as possible on Exam 2.

Exam 2 will be held on 4/5/17.

Please see the course schedule on our website for more information about what we will cover each week for the remainder of the semester.

