Class notes for authentication lecture
Class notes for the authentication lecture are available here:
Authentication class notes 2018 Temple
Class lecture video and notes
Below are lecture videos and notes.
Server compromise walkthrough
Video: Walkthrough
Cryptography, Part 1
Video: Cryptography, Part 1
Lecture notes: Cryptography, Part 1 class notes 2018
Digital Certificates
Lecture notes: Digital certificates class notes 2018 Temple
Lab 2: Hashing and Symmetric Encryption
Lab 2: Hashing and Symmetric Encryption is available here:
Lab 2 Hashing and Symmetric Encryption 2018 v7 Temple
Lab 2 is due Thursday, September 20th.
Lab 3: Asymmetric Encryption
The document for Lab 3: Asymmetric Encryption is available here.
Part 1 of the lab is due Saturday, September 15th. Part 2 is due Tuesday, September 25th.
Quiz posted for Anderson, Ch. 5, pp. 129-149
The quiz for Anderson, Ch. 5, pp. 129-149 has been posted on Canvas here:
The quiz is open book, closed Internet and closed neighbor. The quiz is due at 3pm on Tuesday, September 11th, 30 minutes before the start of class.
Canvas site for submitting lab assignments and taking quizzes
Please submit your lab documents and take quizzes on Canvas at this link:
Notes for Cryptography, Part 1
Pi Quiz due in class on Tuesday, September 4th
As a reminder, I will give a quiz at the start of class on Tuesday, September 4th.
I will give you about five minutes to write out the first 100 digits of Pi, from memory, on a sheet of paper. When time is up, you will turn in the paper to me. I will provide paper if you need it.
I will not make you clear your desk, but you will need to close your laptop and put your phone face down on the table or away in your bag or pocket.
I do not expect you to actually memorize the digits of Pi—I want you to cheat. How you choose to cheat is entirely up to you. However, I will be in the room to proctor the quiz. If you are caught cheating, you will fail the quiz. Collaborative cheating is also allowed, but everyone involved will fail the quiz if caught.
To provide additional incentive, I will offer a prize to the student who exhibits the most creative and effective cheating technique, as voted by the class.
The objective of the exercise is to learn how an adversary thinks and operates by deliberately loosening traditional academic rules and tapping personal creativity. To avoid any misunderstanding, this exception to the traditional ban on cheating only applies to this quiz and not to other graded assignments in the course. Cheating outside of this quiz will not be tolerated.”