Supply Chain at Internet Speed Europe Case

MIS 3537

Internet & Supply Chains

Due Date: March 24, 2016

Refer to the case “’s European Distribution Strategy”

Answer the following questions briefly (6-7 lines each):

1. Explain how’s distribution strategy evolved in the early years (1995-1998)?

2. After the dot com crash, took steps to improve its operational excellence with a view to reduce costs and hence improve profitability.  Descibe the main steps that Amazon took at this stage.

3. Describe the key challenges that Amazon Europe faced with respect to globalization and localization.

4. What were the main decisions that Tom Taylor faced while accessing the EDN opportunity?

5. Should Amazon implement the EDN in Europe? What recommendation would you give Tom Taylor?

All groups (expect the group making the presentation) are required to submit a printout of their answers to the instructor at the beginning of the class. Also, be prepared to discuss the case in the class.

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