Temple University

Welcome to 5121 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

I’m thankful to be teaching at Temple MIS and in particular this course.  I’m excited to get started and glad to have all of you in the class.  Together our experiences, hard work and teamwork this semester will result in a successful learning experience.

I hope you are all excited as well.  I recommend you do the following:

  • Please read the syllabus carefully about what I expect from each of you. We are all going to learn from each other so your active involvement is essential.
  • Order the text book we’ll be using in the class (see link).  Having the text book by the first class is not a requirement but is necessary to complete the first assignment due by week 2 class.
  • Review the class schedule that includes: topics we will be covering, pre-reading, assignments and test schedule.

The first night we will go through the syllabus in detail and talk about the semester.  Then, we’ll  jump into our first class content and initial exercise.

If you have any questions send me an email or call me  on my mobile 609 206 9783.  I’m only scheduled to be on campus Monday evenings when I teach the classes.   However, I can be available at other times during the week to assist you.

See you Monday evening, January 12th.


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