Temple University


Carlos Garces, Deloitte, Cali, Colombia on BCM

I hope you all enjoyed Carlos’ talk and learned a lot at last night’s Webex.  Here are Carlos’ slides.  There is great material in the entire slide deck.  As a very visual person I think pages 8 and 20 are the most important, but you may prefer others.  You need to understand the process that occurs when disaster strikes, the definitions and terms of BCM, and how to audit a BCP.  Everything you need to know is in there.

If you would like to hear Carlos again, here is the recording of last night’s session.  Unfortunately I was a little late starting it so you will not see the introduction.



Hi everyone, here is the URL for tonight’s session.


Please try to connect early, before 5:30, and then put yourself on mute.


Week 10 Stars BSC

Stars Balance Scorecard
Objective Measure Target Initiative
Financial Process Increase % of revenue from outside sources Revenue from fundraisers, donations, grants   30% year 1

10% each following year

Marketing to new target investors, government contracts
Consolidate IT budget Reduction in non- “critical ”projects Decrease 40% year 1

Decrease 20% year 2

Increase in available resources for mission critical project
Customer Quality trauma care
Golden hour standard defined as 1 Hour or less Zero casualties Increase patient survival rate
Internal Business Process Centralized IS Structure System availability >99% 3 months Increased network response time
Streamline application development process System uniformity, interlinking of database 6 months Standardize design/build processes. Increased availability
Learning & Growth Process
Integrated IS knowledge Employee training 100% 3-6 months

$20000 reduction

Elimination of costly vendor visits


Weekly Topics