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Opportunity Knocks: Wisdom from Recent Grads on Jobs & Internships

This event allowed recent grads to share their experience of the first years on their jobs and their advice on how to get on the path to success in a professional environment. The people in attendance are working at companies such as IBX, Vanguard, PECO, and Accenture. This event occurred from 04:30 until 06:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 22, through Zoom and was sponsored by Temple University. The event started with the panel of 4 guests introducing themselves and sharing tips about the hiring and recruiting process. One of my favorite tips shared was to personalize your resume according to the description of the job you are applying for to avoid not getting responses to your application. Another valuable tip was to attend career fairs to connect and network with the recruiters. Asking questions and maintaining a relationship increases one’s chances to stand out to employers. Probably, the most valuable tip shared during the meeting was not to give up but look for opportunities to grow. Afterward, we moved to another meeting with employers such as CSL, PECO, Accenture, IBX, Vanguard, and more. After employers introduced themselves, we joined breakout rooms to chat with different employers. I had the chance to talk to Joseph Ferenchiak from Vanguard.

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