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IT Developer Intern

  1. Job Title – Company
    IT Developer Intern – USLI
  2. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)
    Work on projects that help enhance current or create new insurance systems for the company. This includes supporting current applications, creating new applications, researching new technologies, and assisting the development teams. Some of the primary tools used for this position are C#, ASP.NET (specifically MVC and building Razor pages), JavaScript/jQuery, Azure DevOps, MS SQL Server, and VB.NET.
  3. Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)
    The current project I am working on is called Test Quality Utility. In this project, I pull information from the Azure DevOps API (such as the build and release pipelines) and display them on an ASP.NET application so that the development team has a more user-friendly way of displaying this information than the current dashboard they have. By the time this app is completed, it should also have the functionality to send an email about the build/release statuses to the IT team with the click of a button and have a calendar page showing the current and scheduled developers.

    The current things I accomplished while working on this app are learning and understanding Object Oriented Programming (OOP), C#, and the ASP.NET framework. I am also currently enhancing my skills in  HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, and AJAX, which I learned (or am currently learning) in MIS 2101 (Digital Systems), MIS 2402 (Web Application Development), and MIS 3502 (Web Service Programming). I have also used my SQL knowledge from my MIS 2502 (Data Analytics) and MIS 3502 classes to understand Transact-SQL (T-SQL) and how it is used to analyze insurance databases. Furthermore, in order to develop my projects to make them user-friendly, I am constantly using my knowledge from MIS 3506 (User Experience Design).

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