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Javascript: Functions by Ray Villalobos

One of the LinkedIn Learning courses I took was Javascript: Functions by Ray Villalobos. I started on December 1st and ended it on December 8th. I learned a lot about functions that wasn\\\’t being taught in my classes from this course. This course is not a beginner\\\’s course, therefore there were a lot of intermediate concepts. I did most of my note-taking on my laptop, particularly on the coding text file itself, so that I could comment alongside the code and explain the code to myself for future reference. I learned a lot of new terms such as Anonymous Functions and Modules and how to understand the scope of a variable and how to change said scope. I learned the different ways to call a function and how I could make my code more reusable across different apps/websites. This course helped me understand functions on a deeper scale because I was somewhat struggling to understand them in class, and now I\\\’m able to grasp onto more difficult concepts regarding Javascript functions.

This relates to my coursework because my current MIS2101 class and all of my future MIS classes will require JavaScript knowledge, so this is helping me prepare for that. On top of that, i want to get into web development or UX design in the future, so I will definitely need to know how to code in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript amongst other languages, and this is giving me a head start on that.

my coding notes

Here is a screenshot of some of the more in-depth coding notes I’ve taken for this course. This practice is also helping me prepare for future coursework and my career because it\’s useful to constantly comment n the functionality of a piece of code so that I can retain the information and also reuse the code later.

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