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Sales Support & Operations Internship Spring 2016

Though my Spring semester I managed to make my schedule open enough through taking a pre-spring course and online courses enabling me to get full-time experience at my internship. I was able to become the candidate for this brand new position they were offering at ReminderMedia. In this position I support the sales team by scanning the web for data on clients and prospective clients, trying to find some leverage that can aid them in their sales calls. Provided quality leads is more important than just quantity when it comes to the sales game here.

Things I’ve done and learned include:

  • Trained on new daily processes, which include creating new offices and updated customer data by using the web.
  • Learned how to perform lead analysis to help get the warmest leads to the sales floor, which included learning what information could be useful to help close prospects.
  • Helped run a meeting with Sr. Interns, which helped introduce Jr Interns to their new jobs from people who were previously in their seats.
  • Grasped new concepts and was able to complete a catchall queue before the required deadline.
  • Come up with a list of process that can potentially be automated with scripts.
  • Ask about my stats, such as how many of my referrals have led to closed sales and was able to see a Tableau report on the information.
  • Won a contest to see who could launch the most referrals within an allotted time.
  • Was able to develop an excel spreadsheet to help me be more efficient.


How my Temple education helped me succeed:


  • The knowledge I have gained in Excel at Temple made me realize how much more quickly and efficiently I could generate notes by created a concatenated sentence that simply allows me to swap out the changing variables every time instead of rewriting the whole note every time.
  • My coding classes taught me to be extremely attentive to detail which is very important, a mistake in the lead information can throw off a sales caller and cost us sales.
  • My knowledge of coding also allows me to find hidden data on contacts such as emails which can sometimes be hidden within an “email me button”.
  • My knowledge of SQL has also allowed me to see how it is used in the business world as SQL scripts are used here often to help make processes easier and faster.
  • Time management is also something school has taught me and it helped me understand how to keep a healthy balance between school and work and give them both the attention they deserve without overexerting myself.

Presentation on my experience


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