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Hobbies & Interest

Sports have been apart of me since the day the I could stand; I have played everything from baseball, lacrosse, football, basketball to track and field and wrestling.  The competitive aspect and team building experience is one the of main reasons I have pursued sports so diligently my entire life, competition makes me tick.

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I love the great outdoors! Whether it is fishing, hiking, camping, or off roading, they have always be a major hobby of mine.  The natural environment is relaxing to me and is another thing my parents have always pursued with me and my brothers.

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My favorite hobby and interest is sitting down with a pen and paper and thinking of inventions or business ideas, I find this much more enjoyable/interesting then a wasteful party night (don’t get me wrong I like to enjoy myself, all in moderation).  This is how I was able to come across the idea I am currently pursing to turn into a fully functional company.

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A new idea that came to me from this innovative thinking is something called brain training.  If you interview me I can give you a detailed description of what it is about.  In short, I am training my brain to think more creatively, quicker, and increasing my memory but more importantly improve upon my weaknesses.

To work on my weaknesses (reading and writing) I have picked up another hobby of reading and writing daily.  I have a personal journal (snapshot bellow) and have read countless books (some of my favorites are listed below) that have sparked a major interest in me.  My whole motive is:  your limiting yourself if you don’t push yourself to overcome the things that are holding you back, there is always room for improvement.

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Follow me on Instagram @wyzedge, here you will find more books I have read and art work I have done.


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