Quy A Le posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years, 1 month ago
Team members: Darpan, Kevin, Quy
We would like to work in coordination with the GenEd department to develop a new way to search for GenEd courses based on personal interests.
Banner only allows you to search by department and/or GenEd area (ex. Human Behavior or Science and Technology). After that, you have to scroll through endless sections of every course. This isn’t scheduled to change with the new banner update.
This will include statistical analysis of course descriptions and syllabi to discover latent categories present in the GenEd inventory, development of models to place future courses into categories, generating keywords for courses, and research into the best way to index syllabi and descriptions for searching all while staying under the budget of a small department.
This will be a great chance to both explore new and emerging technologies like AWS Lambda and Apache OpenNLP in addition to delving deeper into topics covered in MIS coursework such as R in MIS 2502, PHP in 3501, JavaScript in 3502, and translating technical concepts into business friendly presentations and infographics in MIS 2501 and 3504.
It should also be noted that this project will save the department approximately $10,000 anually as it’s also intended to replace the print version of the course booklet.
Overall, this sounds good. Some questions: How will you assess what is effective in solving the problem vs. less effective strategies? How will you measure success?