- Include the goals, results, project URL (if applicable), and what you learned in a brief paragraph.
- The goal of the project was for students to understand how to let APIS interact with each other and implement their understanding of $.getJSON and $.post.
- There were multiple phases for the project: to brainstorm and application and pick the required APIs, create the webpage/organize the HTML and CSS, implement the APIs, provide and receive feedback to and from other students, implement feedback, and then turn the webpage into a single page architecture.
My application pulls a lofi playlist from Youtube, and the lofi playlist is based on the weather of the city the user entered or the clicked location on the map.
I used the OpenWeatherAPI to get weather conditions based on the user’s entering city. For map clicking, I used the Google Maps API. When a user clicks on a map, the map shows the latitude and longitude. I searched the city name and weather using the latitude and longitude values returned from Google Maps.
There are five conditions that return five possible recommendations. Whether that
- matches ‘clear sky’
- includes ‘clouds;
- includes ‘rain’
- includes ‘snow’
- matches ‘thunderstorm
- Project URL
- github: https://github.com/jyingzhang/weatherLOFI
- misdemo: https://misdemo.temple.edu/tuk81124/LofiWeatherAPI/