With this API project, I have learned to use Web APIs and perform various tasks with them. I also learned how to combine APIs through programming and make them tell a story. I was able to to tell a story about an OpenData NYC API by using Image Charts API so it can perform a live chart for the data.
The API’s used are Image Charts API and NYC OpenData API, where NYC OpenData provides the data to be used in the charts. The Image Charts API was chosen to make a live chart out of the OpenData API which has the data about New York Inspections. The OpenData API provides data on how many violations cities in New York have had and it features the inspections of the last and current calender year. Also, the data on inspections are performed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection. The bar and pie chart show the number of violations issued in some of the cities of New York. The bar chart shows 8 cities with the number of violations and the pie chart highlights the cities with the highest violation percentages.
github url: https://github.com/s-sivri/API-Semester-Project
class server url: http://misdemo.temple.edu/tun36588/api_bar_pie_chart/