MIS Demo URL: https://misdemo.temple.edu/tun70859/semesterlongproject/
GitHub URL: https://github.com/matt5301/mis2402semesterlongproject
In this project, I created two bar charts to compare life expectancies across the US for men and women. The first chart in this project shows the top five states with the highest life expectancies for men in 2020. The second chart shows the top five states with the highest life expectancies for women in 2020. I chose this data to compare how life expectancies change in different states across the US and how that changes with sex. Both charts use the API from the CDC, US State Life Expectancies by Sex, 2020: https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/U-S-State-Life-Expectancy-by-Sex-2020/ss2j-8ajj