This assignment was to pick a research topic within Data Analytics that was not covered in class during the semester. In this assignment, I had to research my topic which was Artificial Intelligence and then relate it to the coursework within Data Analytics. I found my topic to be extremely interesting because it is something that is continuing to evolve and thrive in today’s technology. While researching about AI, I learned that these programs and machines are built to think and act like humans but in a way that it is beneficial because the outcomes and predictions of data analysis are more credible and accurate. I related the topic of Artificial Intelligence to the coursework in Data Analytics because AI machines and programs can be used to analyze data, which something that we learned and practiced a lot using applications such as MongoDB and Rstudio. An example of Artificial Intelligence that is used with Data Analytics is the Google Analytics application which allows a user to track and monitor the amount of times people follow a link or click on their page. I found this assignment to be useful and beneficial because I got to learn about a new topic and research more about Data Analytics and how it is changing technology in today’s society.