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The Executive Guide to Maximizing Hyperautomation

  • Title of the activity
    • The Executive Guide to Maximizing Hyperautomation
  • Term in which it was completed
    • Fall 2022
  • Sponsoring organization
    • Gartner Webinars
  • Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)
    • Sept. 14, 10:00-11:00am on Zoom
  • What you learned
    • In this webinar I learned the importance of automation in businesses and how as more processes are automated within businesses, the resources needed to automate will increase at an exponential rate. This led into the definition of hyperautomation, which is a disciplined approach that businesses use to rapidly identify, vet, and automate as many business and IT processes as possible.
  • How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals
    • This activity relates to my coursework because it helps me understand the importance of automation in businesses and how to go about implementing it into future businesses I will be apart of.
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