Adam M Kuhn changed their profile picture 11 years, 1 month ago
Adam M Kuhn changed their profile picture 11 years, 1 month ago
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Final thoughts (100 section reflection on the course), on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 3 months ago
I enjoyed this course and I definitely learned a lot that I did not know previously. There was also a lot of basics learned in this course all related to data that will help me in some way down the road in my […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Q&A: Week 13 (100 second reflection), on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 3 months ago
Week 13 focused on association rules, which help us understand what products people buy and what products are bought together more than others. This can help people like store managers with things like placing […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Weekly Question #8: Complete by November 2, 2017, on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 3 months ago
Week 12 focused on learning about cluster analysis and segmentation. Clustering breaks down a large group of say customers and turns that one group into several groups based on the items they buy or things of that […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Q&A: Week 10 (100 second reflection), on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 4 months ago
In this week of class, we learned how decision trees work and how they can be of use to us in a data mining situation. Decision trees help us with things like efficiency, predictions and lay out a model for us or […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Q&A : True or False, on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 4 months ago
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Q&A: Week 9 (100 second reflection), on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 4 months ago
The main focus of week 9 was data mining of big data and its two types; descriptive and predictive data mining. These two types of data mining help us to predict values in the future of different variables. We […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Q&A: Week 7 (100 second reflection), on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 4 months ago
In week 7 I learned about ETL or extract, transform and load which is the name for the process of taking data from a transactional database and putting it in an analytical database. We used pivot tables in excel […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Bonus Marks: SAS Account Setup, on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 4 months ago
Username: adam.kuhn
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Q&A: Week 6 (100 second reflection), on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 5 months ago
What I learned in week six entailed dimensional modeling which is more of a graphical representation of data through things like data marts and data cubes. The data cubes especially are a very simple way model to […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Q&A: Week 5 (100 second reflection), on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 5 months ago
In week five we continued to learn more details about SQL. We learned on top of retrieving data how to edit data, delete data and create additional rows or columns for additional data. The command words for these […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Q&A: Week 4 (100 second reflection), on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 5 months ago
In week four I learned about the very basics of the MySQL workbench database. The main focus was on the language that that database recognizes in order to retrieve data from it. Words in this language include […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Q&A: Week 3 (100 second reflection), on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 5 months ago
The main thing we learned in week 3 of class was the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and how it relates to different business scenarios. We took a look at how entities listed in the database are related and the […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 6 months ago
The answer to this question is obviously no, a team does not need to assemble the best players to win a championship. I saw moneyball a while ago and that movie is obvious proof that you don’t need the best […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Q&A: Week 2, on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 6 months ago
A multivalue attribute basically has several values for one database column. A great example would be a person or business having multiple shipping addresses for a business to send them their products or even a […]
Adam M Kuhn commented on the post, Q&A: Week 2 (100 second reflection), on the site DATA ANALYTICS @ MIS2502 /S2 12 years, 6 months ago
In week 1 of class I learned about the ERD or Entity Relationship Diagram. This diagram shows us how entities and their attributes are related and tied together through a database and mapped out on paper. Entities […]