Anthony B Havrilla joined the group MIS 4596-002 Fall 2015 – Messina 9 years, 5 months ago
Anthony B Havrilla commented on the post, So how did it go?, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
My experience in the Office of Procurement Services at the School District of Philadelphia has been great and extremely educational. I feel as though I have learned as much in my internship in the past 10 months then I have in my almost four years at Temple. I have benefited from Temple University’s amazing business school but the real life e…[Read more]
Anthony B Havrilla commented on the post, You can’t learn everything in the classroom…., on the site 9 years, 11 months ago
Although I learned a lot from the Excel course at Temple it was not until I was using excel at work on a daily bases that I became good at it. The course opened my eyes to the power of Excel and its capabilities but actually using it to produce results for work made me fluent in operating it. A large part of my daily duties include using the ERP…[Read more]
Anthony B Havrilla commented on the post, Classroom Knowledge…., on the site 9 years, 11 months ago
The biggest things that I have learned in the classroom that I have applied to my internship is excel skills, short effective writing, and creativity and analysis. I took the Excel online course last semester and it really has helped me out in my internship as excel is used almost every day by everyone. I have even earned a bit of a reputation…[Read more]
Anthony B Havrilla commented on the post, How do you do it all???, on the site 9 years, 11 months ago
I never had a problem getting all my school work done freshman through junior year when I was not working during the semester. The first semester of senior year I continued my summer internship at the School District into the semester for 24 hours a week. I quickly found out that it was going to be very hard to produce quality work at my…[Read more]
Anthony B Havrilla commented on the post, What is the most important…………?, on the site 10 years ago
During my internship I have learned that the most important skill is communication. Because my internship is part-time there is a lot of work or projects that I may start or work on but will be finished by someone else when I am not there. Because of this I always keep notes and update my manager at the end of every day so that we are on the…[Read more]
Anthony B Havrilla changed their profile picture 10 years, 11 months ago
Anthony B Havrilla changed their profile picture 10 years, 11 months ago
Anthony B Havrilla wrote a new post on the site Anthony Havrilla 10 years, 11 months ago
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Anthony B Havrilla commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site MIS2502 Data Analytics 11 years ago
Anthony Havrilla
1. The X axis of the quadrant plots visionaries and the Y axis plots ability to execute.
2. The labels of the four quadrants are challengers, leaders, niche players and visionaries.
3. […]