Kevin Sieradzki - "@tug74661 Hello! I had just noticed that we both share an interest in App Development and I just wanted to reach out. App Development is something that I’ve recently found interest in and was wondering if you’ve […]" View
Nicholas Bortz - "@joseph-stephenraj I saw that you are interested in cyber security, do you have any plans with that?"
Yousef Ismaeil - "@andrew-kaeser Hey Andrew! Just wanted to reach out because we have similar interests and I’m a member of AIS. Looking forward to seeing you at future events!"
Cammy Nguyen - "@kelly-deng Hi Kelly! I noticed we both have an interest in web design. We should connect!"
Aaroush Bhanot - "@sean-boyer I enjoyed reading about one of your experiences with digital consulting for local businesses. I feel inclined towards consulting and would love to learn from your experience!"
Rowana Aly - "@silvia-cavalieri Hey Silvia, I’m one of your mentees for the AIS mentorship program and I really look forward to working and learning with you this semester!"
Connie Wu - "@tup19091 Hey Katarina! I see we have a similar interest in virtual reality, hope to see you around!"
John Zuidema - "@matthew-pelna Hi Matthew, I saw that we share interests in both statistics and analytics. We should connect sometime!"
Andrew Byun - "@vraj-patel Hello Vraj, I see we have similar interests and skills. I added you"
Jerimiah Arbertha - "@tuj78407 Hey Brianna, I like your profile yours was definitely one I modeled after when creating mine. Hopefully I can reach the levels you have with your profile."