James R. Brunetto wrote a new post on the site James R. Brunetto 10 years, 3 months ago
Our group is continuing to make progress. This past week, I and most of the other PM’s met with the BA’s. We went over several items including reviewing their scope that was edited by Mr. Moustafellos, Justinmind […]
James R. Brunetto wrote a new post on the site James R. Brunetto 10 years, 3 months ago
This past week was very constructive. Fortunately we, the PM’s, were able to meet with our BA’s. For the meeting the PM’s and I created an agenda which we distributed to the BA’s before we met. During the meeting we covered interview questions, Justinmind prototyping, and the lack of communication. We refined the questions and determined that our BA’s were behind with prototyping. As a result we motivated them to start prototyping and again made ourselves available for help. Judging by the emails I received from some BA’s, I believe they are getting back on track with prototyping. We also covered the communication problem and established a new line of communication which seems to be working. We also all, the BA’s and PM’s, agreed on a weekly meeting time to keep on track. Because of the agenda we created, the BA’s came prepared with the information we were going to cover. Which made our meeting shorter and more productive. Now that the interviews are over, we plan on using all of the information together so that we can put more of an emphasis on developing ideas for a solution as well as prototyping those ideas.
James R. Brunetto wrote a new post on the site James R. Brunetto 10 years, 4 months ago
This past week has been less productive than it could have been. Both the BA’s and PM’s had their first test this week which put the focus on studying for our tests. Because of this, we weren’t unable to schedule a meeting with the BA’s. We did have communication with them through email, and they seem to need help with Justinmind. Since I worked extensively with Justinmind when I was a BA, I have made myself available for help this coming Monday. Currently I am working on refining the quality management plan. I have found a template online, but for the purpose of this project the template is too many pages. I am working on shorting this quality management plan to one or two pages. This coming week we have planned to meet with our BA’s. Judging from our previous meetings with our BA’s, they seem to be on track. However, since we didn’t get to meet with them this week, we will better know if their deliverables are at an acceptable level after our meeting next week.
James R. Brunetto wrote a new post on the site James R. Brunetto 10 years, 4 months ago
Over the past few weeks our team has been creating the first set of drafts. We were able to successfully complete these documents through delegation. I personally am responsible for the quality management plan and the business rules. One thing that has been working for us is meeting with our BA’s. Although it is not on a regular basis, the meetings we do have are productive. So far we have helped them with their scope document and interview questions. We have also created a google drive to easily share information between one another. One problem we, the PM’s and BA’s have been running into is finding a time to meet. It has been hard to find a time because some of us commute and others have extracurricular activities. Because of this problem, we have not yet setup a time to meet on a weekly basis. We need to setup a definite time soon so that we can make sure we are all on track. If we can’t find a time to all meet in person, then we will need to pick a time to all meet virtually. We are also going to develop agendas for our meetings to increase our productivity. By making these changes, I believe myself and the other PM’s will be able to better assist the BA’s and make things easier for us.
James R. Brunetto commented on the post, What is the most important…………?, on the site Industry Experience in MIS-SUM14 10 years, 7 months ago
The skills I have found most important for my internship are communication, listening, and the ability to prioritize. Communication has been so important in my internship because it has allowed me to gather […]
James R. Brunetto commented on the post, Discussion Question #2, on the site Industry Experience in MIS-SUM14 10 years, 8 months ago
My biggest struggle working for CareCam was getting acclimated to the culture of the company. When I started working there I was expecting it to be the typical business environment where employees work 9 to 5 and […]
James R. Brunetto commented on the post, Internship Discussion Question #1, on the site Industry Experience in MIS-SUM14 10 years, 8 months ago
Hello everyone, my internship is at CareCam Health Systems from May 19 to August 22. CareCam is a new company that is developing a mobile application that will help manage chronic care conditions. For this […]
James R. Brunetto changed their profile picture 11 years, 7 months ago