Kathryn A. Snyder commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 9 years, 11 months ago
Based on the article, the research process for finding a potential vendor is archaic as the research process can take months. A potential solution could be for the vendor to appeal to certain business groups instead of the general business world, therefore making it easier for buyers to find these vendors. Vendors should seek these buyers out,…[Read more]
Kathryn A. Snyder wrote a new post on the site MIS2101 – Spring 2015 10 years ago
General Motors (GM) is using big data analytics, specifically Geographic Information Systems (GIS), to assist in making business […]
I think using this data is borderline invasion of privacy. On one hand, they know a lot of information about me, but on the other, doesn’t most other companies I do business with know the same things about me. GM basically just put it on a map. As far as other benefits, absolutely there are other uses for this technology. I run s storage company and we use this kind of demographic data all the time to figure out where marketing dollars should be spent. I know that my market is within 5 miles of my facility. Anything outside of that is a waste targeting becasue people have that 5 mile preference.
I can see the benefits to both sides – for me, it might mean closer dealerships or deals aimed at people who live in my area!
I am kind of on the fence about GM’s use of GIS as far as invasion of privacy is concerned. There will always be issues concerning personal information and a consumer’s right to privacy so it really depends how far they go. I do think GM might be crossing some ethical boundaries with the use of GIS though. I am curious to see if they use this demographic information particularly income to their advantage from at least a business standpoint. But I do think the marketing aspect of ArcGIS though is interesting in promoting deals and offers to potential customers.