Kevin J. Mcginn commented on the post, Week 13 Materials Posted, on the site 10 years, 2 months ago
Over the past two years, Iranian hackers have targeted airlines, energy companies, and defense firms across the globe as increased awareness of Irans cyber capabilities are growing. Recently, nuclear plants and…[Read more]
Kevin J. Mcginn commented on the post, Week 12 Materials Posted, on the site 10 years, 3 months ago
My article this week is about a citadel variant, a data stealing malware. This malware was originally used for online banking credentials theft has evolved and now can be designed to target master passwords and authentication solutions. This is particularly dangerous because once the master password has been compromised, the whole system could…[Read more]
Kevin J. Mcginn commented on the post, Week 11 Materials Posted, on the site 10 years, 3 months ago
My article for this week is about “Masque Attacks”. This recently discovered attacks on IOS devices allows attackers to steal user personal and financial information by sweeping their app caches.These apps works off a vulnerability in third-party app stores that, when exploited, allows attackers to replace genuine apps downloaded from the App…[Read more]
Kevin J. Mcginn commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 22, on the site 10 years, 3 months ago
My article for this week is about a phishing technique involving a proxy program. This technique involves tricking a user into thinking that he/she is actually browsing their real intended website, however instead they are viewing a proxy webpage that is designed to look similar until the user enters his/her information and passwords. This…[Read more]
Kevin J. Mcginn commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 23, on the site 10 years, 4 months ago
A worm variant, identified as Koler, has been infecting various Android mobile devices. The worm queries a users database of contracts and then sends out its message to each person to duplicate itself. The interesting fact about this article is that it resembles a phishing attack, but is even more undetected because it is send through SMS text…[Read more]
Kevin J. Mcginn commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 9, on the site 10 years, 4 months ago
My article for this week is about the Anonymous Hacktivists and their plot against ISIS. Anonymous is an international group of activists and hackivists whom are famous for various cyber attacks. This article however is about their plan to launch a series of several digital attacks against the ISIS militant group.…[Read more]
Kevin J. Mcginn commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 10 years, 4 months ago
My article is about a recent interview about cyber terrorism with the FBI director, James Comey. During the interview Comey stated how there are many attempts from China every day to breach US corporations security measures. His quote being “There are two kinds of big companies in the United States. There are those who’ve been hacked by the…[Read more]
Kevin J. Mcginn commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 10 years, 5 months ago
This week I have two articles. The first describes how atleast 75% of mobile apps will fail security tests through end of 2015. Many company created apps are vulnerable to security breaches because of the lack of mobile app security testing and risk assurance (application security). The second article is about how the windseeker app…[Read more] -
Kevin J. Mcginn commented on the post, Week 4 Materials Posted, on the site 10 years, 5 months ago
My article is about a security firm that revealed that Citadel malware has infected multiple petrochemical firms. Citadel’s believed original purpose was financial company theft. Citadel is a Trojan malware that is designed to steal personal, banking, and financial information from its v…[Read more] -
Kevin J. Mcginn commented on the post, Week 3 Materials Posted, on the site 10 years, 5 months ago
-My online article is about how hackers have targeted JPMorgan as well as four other financial institutions and stole employee and customer information that could be used to drain bank accounts. This was done through a zero-day attack. A zero-day attack is when a hacker exploits a vulnerability in a software that has been currently unknown by…[Read more]
Kevin J. Mcginn commented on the post, ICE 5.1 Telling a Story through Visualization, on the site 10 years, 6 months ago
IT risk is a business risk dealing with the business risk of using, owning, operating, involving, influence, and adoption of IT within a business organization.
This chapter dealt with the obstacles of security, the steps to building a secure organization, and the basics for preparing to build security control assessments.
Question: What are…[Read more]