Matthew A Johnson joined the group MIS 4596-002 Fall 2015 – Messina 9 years, 6 months ago
Matthew A Johnson commented on the post, So how did it go?, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
My experience at the school district was great! I absorbed a lot of information about their entire business process. I believe the internship went extremely well. I was offered to stay on part time with a raise, and put into a position that will better groom me to later take on a full time job at the school district. It is quite a big commitment…[Read more]
Matthew A Johnson commented on the post, You can’t learn everything in the classroom…., on the site 9 years, 11 months ago
Without a doubt, it would have to be dealing with other business professionals face to face. While classes at Temple taught me to write in a business matter I never really learned how to convey myself in meetings, or when meeting other professionals whether they people heads from other departments, or potential future vendors. First impressions…[Read more]
Matthew A Johnson commented on the post, Classroom Knowledge…., on the site 9 years, 11 months ago
Probably the most useful thing that I’ve learned in class that has carried over to the work place would be writing in a business format. I am contact with tons of people through out the day, and it is important to convey myself in a formal matter that reflects well on myself and the school district. Another class that has helped me is the 1 credit…[Read more]
Matthew A Johnson commented on the post, How do you do it all???, on the site 10 years ago
At first it was a little bit of a struggle finding the perfect balance between school work and my internship, but after the first couple weeks everything started smoothing itself out. You start to find a rhythm between the two and get yourself on a schedule whether you’re aware of it or not. Probably the best tip I have to offer is that if you…[Read more]
Matthew A Johnson commented on the post, What is the most important…………?, on the site 10 years ago
I believe the most important skill for that I have gotten from this job, and life in general is good communication skills. Without clear and precise communication it doesn’t matter what your line of work is, you will most likely fail. I have seen too many of my fellow interns at school district be assigned a project, have it explained to them, and…[Read more]
Matthew A Johnson commented on the post, Discussion Question #2, on the site 10 years, 1 month ago
One of the more important things that I’ve had to learn on my own, and never really put much thought into before starting my internship was where to go for my one hour lunch break. The Food Services Department usually provides a small cart of new foods they are trying out in multiple schools, but that always runs out fast. Luckily, being located…[Read more]
Matthew A Johnson changed their profile picture 10 years, 11 months ago