Megan L Gallagher commented on the post, Weekly Question #8: Complete by November 2, 2017, on the site 8 years, 10 months ago
Overall I found this course to be very interesting, before this course I had no previous supply chain classes, so my knowledge was very limited. This course has helped me put the supply chains that I interact with as an employee and a consumer into perspective. It was also interesting to see how the internet can benefit supply chains in order to…[Read more]
Megan L Gallagher commented on the post, Weekly Question #8: Complete by November 2, 2017, on the site 8 years, 10 months ago
On week 11, we talked about the ways in which we get the different components of supply chain to integrate. In other words, how do we get them to speak the same language and collaborate. We spoke about the different types of protocols such as HTTP and HTTPS, XML which allows users can define the tags making the data easier to read, EDI which…[Read more]
Megan L Gallagher commented on the post, 100 second reflection for week 10, on the site 8 years, 10 months ago
On week 10, we learned about the importance of ethics in relation to supply chain. Normally, one part of the supply chain takes the responsibility of how the other parts of the supply chain affect the environment or community. Usually this us a brand owner or a similar role, because those who have lots of power must take lots of responsibility.…[Read more]
Megan L Gallagher commented on the post, 100 second reflection for week 9, on the site 8 years, 10 months ago
On week 9, we began class by discussing the Xbox case and how they utilize eFulfillment, and then proceeded to discuss the value of eFulfillment. I was surprised to learn that eFulfillment was not only the delivery of goods online. eFulfillment actually encompasses the delivery of goods or services online, as well as distribution strategies,…[Read more]
Megan L Gallagher posted a new activity comment 8 years, 10 months ago
On week 8, we learned about eProcurment, which is eRequisitioning+eContracting+eFullfillment. Overall, eProcurement streamlines the traditional procurement process of acquiring raw materials and components in order to operate as needed, or to create a product. We also talked about the importance of strategic sourcing in supply chain, how it is…[Read more]
Megan L Gallagher commented on the post, Weekly Question #8: Complete by November 2, 2017, on the site 8 years, 10 months ago
On week 7, we learned about the characteristics of information goods and the distribution strategies that can be used. We focused on some disruptive innovations that affected the way many of us utilize software, music, and movies. It was interesting to review some things that have happened during our lifetime, such as DVDs and Netflix affecting…[Read more]
Megan L Gallagher's profile was updated 9 years, 1 month ago
Megan L Gallagher posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago
I do believe that MIS professionals need to understand the concept of supply chain because they need to understand how all business processes are related in order to provide value to an organization. Looking at the diagram, one can see how many processes are affected by SAP. If an MIS professional understands how supply chains work, they will…[Read more]
Megan L Gallagher posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago
Last week we learned about the four key impact areas of the internet on supply chain, which were eDesign, eMediaries, Web-based collaborative planning, and eFulfillment. These areas make supply chain more innovative and efficient. If these areas did not exist, orders placed would not be fulfilled effectively. We also looked at the Crocs case.…[Read more]
Megan L Gallagher posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago
Megan Gallagher tue79135
Megan L Gallagher posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago
In week one’s class, we were introduced to what supply chain is and some terms that are used to describe what concepts are present in a typical supply chain. There were many terms discussed that I did not know before this class, and it gave more insight into what actually happens, and what is important, in a supply chain. I was not aware that…[Read more]
Megan L Gallagher posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 month ago
Name: Megan Gallagher
Major: Management Information Systems / Year: Senior
Internship: I currently work as an IS Financial Intern at Einstein Healthcare Network, where I assist the Director of IS in maintaining technology vendor information and contract data. I also update financial tools and materials for operating, capital, and project…[Read more] -
Megan L Gallagher joined the group MIS 4596 Spring 2016 – Mandviwalla 9 years, 2 months ago
Megan L Gallagher changed their profile picture 10 years, 5 months ago
Megan L Gallagher commented on the post, E-Portfolio Submit Page, on the site MIS 2101 Sec 001 Spring 2014 10 years, 10 months ago
Megan L Gallagher wrote a new post on the site Megan Gallagher's E-portfolio 10 years, 10 months ago