Nicholas J Gormley's profile was updated 6 years, 7 months ago
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, Global Supply Chain Simulation, on the site 6 years, 9 months ago
Username: nicholasgormley
Email: tuf75864@temple.edu
Partners: Michelle Kaplun & Kelly Conger -
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, 100 Second Reflection: Week 11, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
Starbucks Case:
-Starbucks should consider pursuing other partnerships, while continuing partnering with CI
-Starbucks heavily focuses on their social and environmental impact
Guest Speaker:
-Inefficiency of Block Chain in its current state
-Supply Chain automation is a crucial aspect of any company’s success
-Even large companies, such as…[
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, Q&A: Can I/T Help with Ethics / Green in Supply Chains, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
One of the most important ways a company can become environmentally responsible, while increasing productivity of their supply chain is to utilize cloud storage of documents and forms. A typical office worker prints roughly 50 sheets of paper every day. Utilizing cloud storage will allow for employees and customers to quickly and easily access…[Read more]
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, Amazon delivery and Ethics, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
The goal of every company is to maximize revenue, while minimizing costs. Amazon trying to reach top performance, while saving money is understandable, but when employees lives and payroll are affected, it clearly means something must change. The simple, yet slightly costly solution to Amazons poor PR problems would be to provide it’s package…[Read more]
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, Future Delivery Methods, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
While the concept of drone delivery sounds exciting and fascinating, we must look at the bigger picture. If many other companies were to adopt drone delivery, the airspace would be much too crowded, making it unsafe for passenger planes to operate. Once the final stages of the Amazon delivery drone draws near, the government is most likely going…[Read more]
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, 100 second reflection: Week 8, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
Hulu Case Takeaways:
-Physical and Digital supply chains differ through infrastructure and operation
-Streaming services compete directly television networks for consumers and content
-Digital services collect revenue via advertisement in addition to the service offered
-E-procurement is divided into four different…[
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, Blockchain: Is this the new Internet?, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
Blockchain will have a significant impact on how money is transferred, but I do not believe that the impact will be as great as the introduction of the internet. I believe that financial institutions will suffer as a result from the introduction of Blockchain, because they are being cut out of almost all peer to peer transactions. Blockchain will…[Read more]
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, 100 Second Reflection – Week 7, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
RFID at Metro:
-Metro was indecisive between RFID tags at the pallet or case level
-Cost/Benefit Analysis was needed to make the correct decision that would benefit Metro the most
-Pallet level tagging was decided to be more beneficial than case level
RFID Tags:
-Increase inventory accuracy
-Decrease shrinkage
-Are reprogrammable
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, Amazon: Go – What do you think?, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
I would feel comfortable shopping in a store that utilizes a large scale tracking system, such as Amazon Go. Besides the tracking of each product you pick up or put down, the tracking system does not record any personal information that would make me feel uncomfortable or reluctant to shop at a location utilizing it. Customers already share large…[Read more]
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, RFID Videos, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
Benefits of RFID:
-Reduced manual labor
-Reduced labor costs
-Improved inventory planning
-Improved inventory management
-Improved inventory visibility
-Increased accuracy
-Increased efficiencyPitfalls of RFID:
-Decreased security at consumer level
-High cost to implement
-New technology may make RFID obsolete -
Nicholas J Gormley's profile was updated 6 years, 11 months ago
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, 100 second reflection for Week 5, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
The beer game simulation perfectly highlighted the complications associated with a company level supply chain. The most prevelant challenge encountered was a first hand experience of the Bullwhip Effect. Without proper communication between each level of the supply chain, the decisions each level made was an educated guess, attempting to…[Read more]
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, New Age Warehousing, on the site 7 years ago
The benefits to Zappos from utilizing Kiva are:
1. Productivity has roughly doubled
2. 100% inventory accuracy
3. Increase in worker safety, 0 incidents in areas using Kiva
4. Flexible use of Kiva’s vertical storage units
5. Simplifies single and multi-order separation process
6. 50% reduction in labor on the outbound side of the b…[Read more] -
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 22, on the site 7 years ago
Understanding supply chains is crucial for all business professionals, including MIS professionals. While knowing each step of Supply Chain Management is important, understanding how each step works and how the steps in combination can boost customer service, reduce operating costs, and increase profits is of utmost importance. MIS integrates…[Read more]
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 22, on the site 7 years ago
Key Takeaways from the Crocs Case:
-Flexibility of Croc’s supply chain gives them a strong advantage over their competitors by fulfilling on demand orders, which raises customer satisfaction.
-Croc’s decision to launch globally as early as possible allowed them to establish distributors and customers on a larger scale, increasing profits and…[Read more] -
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 7 years ago
The key points from the first class that I found the most interesting, were the complicated processes of a supply chain to produce a single product and how businesses handle these processes. Businesses must first make many large decisions before beginning to produce a product or offer a service. They must strategically choose the optimal locations…[Read more]
Nicholas J Gormley commented on the post, Introductions: Day 1, on the site 7 years ago
-Nicholas Gormley (Nick)
-MIS Major – Senior
-2017 Summer Internship at Abington Memorial Hospital
-Supply chain experience as a customer -
Nicholas J Gormley changed their profile picture 7 years, 11 months ago
Nicholas J Gormley created the site Nicholas Gormley 7 years, 11 months ago
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