Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 16, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I am currently enrolled in a corporate sustainability class where we often talk about the challenges of global warming and how they affect business, but we also discuss heavily the issues that come with the modern neo-liberal society we live in today. Capitalism is dependent on constant growth and we live in a world of finite resources with an…[Read more]
Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 16, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
Interesting post Lee, never really thought about how we could utilize facial recognition for law enforcement since we are so used to using it for silly or simple things. Additionally, I am pretty surprised that IBM was allowed to use these pictures without consent. I assume it has been covered in the terms of use that Flickr could sell them or…[Read more]
Nicholas Schratz wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 12 months ago
Nick Schratz
With this week’s readings being centered around disruptive innovation and the Tesla case which centers around a great example of disruptive innovation. It got me thinking about a corporate su […] -
Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Amazon Go – IoT Technology Business Application, on the site 6 years ago
I actually did a project on Amazon Go for MSOM and I can confirm that they don’t use facial recognition. The store has Bluetooth beacons that identify what mobile device accounts are closest to the items being picked up by interacting with the user’s Amazon go app that is running on their phone. They use shelf cameras, AI, and weight sensors to…[Read more]
Vanessa Marin and
Nicholas Schratz are now friends 6 years ago
Jerry Salsini and
Nicholas Schratz are now friends 6 years ago
Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Can You Measure IT Value?, on the site 6 years ago
I think the main issue with trying to create a definitive measure of IT is that IT departments touch so many different aspects of the business and some of these aspects are not profit driven but rather supportive. When we look at accounting metrics we have different measurements for different areas such as liquidity, solvency, efficiency, and…[Read more]
Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Agile & Marie Kondo – Power of a metaphor, on the site 6 years ago
I really enjoyed this metaphor, it’s not often that business IT and home decorators collide. I also like the use of metaphors for an organization considering we just covered a part of “Images of an Organization” which talks about the different metaphors of business. In my corporate sustainability class, we have actually talked about redesigning…[Read more]
Nicholas Schratz wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 6 years ago
Nick Schratz
In the past, IT was not viewed as a revenue making department, but rather a business support system. Something adopted by companies to help their other “profit-making” departments increase their […]-
Well written, my first blog post was about a very similar concept. IT is no longer a silo-ed off part of a business, it is essentially becoming the entire foundation of how an optimized business can run. There are certainly ways that technological improvements can be measured for their value, it just takes an understanding of how a business process would work with or without the technology. Speaking from a possibly biased IT background, I do believe that IT departments are certainly becoming the profit drivers of the future, as optimization and efficiency can significantly increase revenues, while downtime across an IT department can significantly hurt profits. As every piece of businesses continue to move into the digital world, the role of IT will continue to transform and grow.
Nicholas Schratz wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 6 years, 1 month ago
In recent years with the improvement of IT, we have been able to collect more data than ever. According to datafloq, an advertising company that works to leverage big data, over 90% of all user data has been […]
Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 22, on the site 6 years, 1 month ago
Steve Jobs was a phenomenal presenter and there’s no question as to why the iPhone launch is considered the gold standard of business presentation skills. Before I took business communications I would often be one of the individuals who would paste paragraphs of information on my slide. Now when I see something like that I completely zone out and…[Read more]
Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Discussion Question #7: So how did it go?, on the site 6 years, 7 months ago
Today my internship at Ernst and Young ended, and it was all that I could have ever wanted. I got to meet some extraordinary people and learn quality skills that will last me for a lifetime. I was able to network with employees and interns from all over the country and world this past week at our International Intern Leadership Conference in…[Read more]
Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Discussion Question #6: You can’t learn everything in the classroom…., on the site 6 years, 7 months ago
Couldn’t agree more with being comfortable with being uncomfortable. It feels like almost everyday half of my calendar is rearranged.
Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Discussion Question #5: Classroom Knowledge…., on the site 6 years, 8 months ago
The MIS program and Fox School as a whole have helped me greatly so far in my internship.
MIS 3506 was super helpful because it helped me prepare to meet with clients and to formulate what kind of questions I need to be asking. Although I am in audit and not consulting, so I am not taking the same steps as the class project, scoping out projects…[Read more] -
Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Discussion Question #4: How do you do it all???, on the site 6 years, 8 months ago
I have been having a really hard time trying to balance two. Working on a new schedule has me still attempting to adapt, and I still can’t quite get my phone calendar to properly alert me about the dates that I set for this classes assignments. So, my current system of trying to handle everything is now to try and check on the class website every…[Read more]
Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Discussion Question #2, on the site 6 years, 8 months ago
Ernst and Young held a week-long orientation in Nashville for the Risk Advisory interns to teach us about the expectations of the firm and how to use some of the firm’s software, so that we could be better prepared for our first days in the office. With almost 400 interns at the conference we were spread out all throughout the hotel so finding…[Read more]
Nicholas Schratz commented on the post, Question #1: Internship Discussion, on the site 6 years, 8 months ago
Hello everyone! I will be working at Ernst and Young in Center City this summer in the Risk Advisory Program (RAP). I will be working with a team to interview and evaluate clients processes examining them to asses any potential IT or process risks. I will help in designing potential solutions and designing how we could implement them successfully.…[Read more]
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Nicholas Schratz changed their profile picture 7 years, 6 months ago
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