Ryan J Eckrote posted a new activity comment 8 years, 3 months ago
My biggest takeaway from this course was the use of Excel and Tableau. I think that learning how to use both Excel and Tableau is a skill that will help me with my life and my career for a very long time. If i had to explain to future students what this course was about I would tell them that it was a very useful course about data and how we…[Read more]
Ryan J Eckrote posted a new activity comment 8 years, 3 months ago
A data source that I use frequently is blackboard. To put my data into an excel spreadsheet I would make the rows each individual class I am in. In the columns I would include the teacher of the class, the number grade I have in the class, the letter grade I have in the class, and if I am passing or not. Also columns would include the days and…[Read more]
Ryan J Eckrote posted a new activity comment 8 years, 3 months ago
This article talks about the chances that each presidential candidate has of winning the election. It shows that Hillary Clinton was most likely to win the presidency. This article also features many different in-depth charts that show exactly how each state was projected to vote as well…[Read more] -
Ryan J Eckrote posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago
Jon Pezzner
John Nilsen
Patrick Baran
Ryan Eckrote1. Number of questions answered per member.
2. Amount of time each member spent working on assignment.
3. Number of KPI’s proposed at member meetings.
4. Number of Ideas proposed at member meetings. -
Ryan J Eckrote posted a new activity comment 8 years, 5 months ago
One piece of “conventional wisdom” that I have heard is that men are better drivers than women. Most men will agree with this statement and most women will probably disagree and say they are equally as good or better at driving than men. I would test this by looking at the driving records of groups of men and women and comparing numbers of acc…[Read more]