Simerjot S Sidhu posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2016 – Mandviwalla 8 years, 11 months ago
Team Members: Abhay Kshirsagar,Tim Orange, Chris Hayden,Simerjot Sidhu
Ever have a leaky faucet, or your air conditioner doesn’t seem to work, or even need a wedding cake decorator ASAP? What do you do, call your parents? They will probably call the same person that has been fixing up your house since day 1.
What if there was a way to quickly find people/companies in your area that will do a similar job but cheaper?
Our group came up with an idea that will solve this issue and make smaller/med-size businesses more recognizable. We want to create an app where you can select a category of what you want fixed/created. The customer can then bid on the most experienced and cheaper companies. The companies can then also counteroffer or accept the initial price set by the customer. This app will be unique due to 3 things. The search radius will help locate companies and clients closer to your location, the bidding will help lower prices and make it more competitive for other companies in that area and the rating system will rate companies as well as clients to make sure that the best rated clients are offered more top companies.