Xiaomin Dong commented on the post, Week 1 – Discussion, on the site 7 years ago
Well said. There are more viable offshore outsourcing destinations than ever before — a great boon for IT leaders seeking new sources of talent, language capabilities, nearshore support, and risk diversification. But IT organizations can no longer afford to take traditional view of outsourcing location assessment. The classic criteria for…[Read more]
Xiaomin Dong commented on the post, Week 1 – Discussion, on the site 7 years ago
I agree with you that unidentified authority is the one of the risk of outsourcing. Imaging a company faces a data breach, and it is hard to detect where the attack comes from. When company come to such a situation and especially when they have outsourcing, the responsibilities list on the contracts play a decisive role.
Xiaomin Dong commented on the post, Week 1 – Discussion, on the site 7 years ago
Great point. In my opinion, the confidentiality of information is the most important of the information security among the CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity, and availability). Hiring experienced and reliable company is crucial for the protection of provided information. The security issue is especially significant when the outsourced project…[Read more]
Xiaomin Dong commented on the post, Week 1 – Discussion, on the site 7 years ago
Well said. With the onrush of technology and Internet has changed the world tremendously and turned it into the global marketplace, time zone difference is the main problem of global outsourcing. Just imagine that you have an urgent issue, but all members of your remote team are offline.
Xiaomin Dong's profile was updated 7 years, 5 months ago